Audio Archives
Learn by listening as you hear the Athabascan language spoken by members of our community.
The digitized audio archive presented here is the result of interviews conducted with members of our native community. We have spoken with elders from Healy Lake, Dot Lake and Tanacross in an effort to make sure our oral stories and traditions are preserved for future generations.
Some of these stories are told in our native language and some are told in English. Our goal is to make sure the stories of our ancestors and their survival are preserved for our children.
To keep our files secure and prevent them from being used by non-authorized entities, we have enabled measures to prevent them from being copied. If you would like to use any portion of these files, you must receive permission from the Healy Lake Village Council. Please call 907-371-1898 if you wish to use any of this content.
In addition, we have shared content from The American Philosophical society, of archived audio of our community members.